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Spacecraft Position Relative to the Sun
This plot shows the position of the spacecraft throughout its orbit. The top two traces show the distance from the center of Mars to the spacecraft and from the surface of Mars to the spacecraft for a spherical Mars. The bottom plot shows the solar latitude and solar time based on the SPF system. Solar time at 0 and 24 hours are defined to be midnight, with 12 hours being at noon.
ELS Energy Flux Spectrograms Common Scale
Shown are all 16 sectors of electron data displayed asenergy flux spectrograms. Energy Flux values are color coded with acolor scale common to all sectors and shown on the page. Discontinuitytypically at 5 eV is normal and due to a screen set to repel electrons.
Mars Model Magnetic Field at Spacecraft Location
The Mars Magnetic Field Model is shown in a Mars local coordinate east, north, down components; magnitude, theta and phi angles system. ELS data from sector 6 is shown for reference and spacecraft location is indicated. The quality 0=good, 1=questionable, 2=invalid of the magnetic field model computation is indicated.
NPI Envelope
For each of the 32 sectors for NPI, a envelope plot is shown. This type of presentation shows the range of measurement of the NPI. NPI data often occur at higher time resolution that what can be displayed with plot resolution, and so upper and lower bounding envelope shows the range of the measurements.
NPI Sectors 21, 22, and 23 Detailed Fluxes
The ELS energy flux spectrogram for sector 15 is shown in panel 1, as the sector best displaying the ejected photoelectrons from the spacecraft. Panel 2 shows the NPI integral energy flux image for sectors 21, 22, and 23. In panels 3, 4, and 5 are shown the NPI integral flux values for sectors 23, 22, and 21 in black and plotted against the left axis. On the right axis drawn in color is the integral of the electron intensity between 5 eV and 20 eV.
NPI/ELS Solar Contamination Diagnostics
In the top panel, electron data from anode 15 is displayed.This anode shows maximum response to spacecraft generated photoelectrons. In panel 2, black line the electron flux integrated from 5 to 20 eV is shown and corresponds to the spacecraft photoelectrons. The red line is the solar zenith angle. Panel 3contains the polar black line and azimuthal red line angles of the Sun in NPI coordinates. Panel 4 contains the spherical position of the spacecraft in the Solar Pointing Frame Theta shown in black and Phi shown in red. Panel 5 is a sector-time spectrogram of the NPI data.
IMA Mass Ring Summed Spectrogram
This plot contains data from all IMA azimuth sectors 0 to 7 in the left column and 8 to 15 in the right one summed over all masses i.e. energy analysis only. The diamond pattern observed as a function of time is due to the elevation analyzer scan +/- 45 deg where the max and min energy is a function of elevation angle.
IMA Mass-Time Count Spectrogram
Shown for all 16 IMA sectors is the Mass-Time spectrogram for accumulated counts, all on a common color scale. Here, Mass equates to the detector mass ring and not atomic mass. The detector is scanned in energy and polar angle as time progresses. Atomic masses change position on the mass rings as a function of energy and tend to move in a semi-diagonal toward higher mass ring numbers as the energy time increases.
ELS Attitude Sector Flags
Each ELS sector is shown for the Sun, Earth, Mars, Phobos, and Deimos as objects. When the object is in the field of view of the sensor, the Flag is set to one 1, otherwise it is set to zero 0. These flags do not take into account that there may be obstruction between the object and the sector of the instrument.
NPI Attitude Sector Flags
Each NPI sector is shown for the Sun, Earth, Mars, Phobos, and Deimos as objects. When the object is in the field of view of the sensor, the Flag is set to one 1, otherwise it is set to zero 0. These flags do not take into account that there may be obstruction between the object and the sector of the instrument.
NPI Time Image
The sectors of NPI are displayed in a pushbroom image format orientated in time. The data from each NPI Sector is color coded and shown in order around the instrument. This data forms a vertical stripe which is shown in time series progression. The result is an image which changes in time.